Inclusion- Solidarity- Openness- Trust- Independence- Teamwork- Achievement
ISOTITA is a project that aimes to foster  social inclusion for migrant and refugee women in Cypriot by promoting diversity, eliminating stereotypes, and challenging prejudices. Through cultural activities and intercultural workshops, the  project creates a safe space for expression and experience-sharing between migrant and Cypriot women, strengthening their interaction and mutual understanding.

Program Activities

To achieve its goals, we organize multicultural workshop with for TCN and Cypriot women. These meetings will serve as a space for empowerment through culture, enabling participants to share their thoughts, opinions, and emotions in a supportive and inclusive environment.

These intercultural activities will include traditional food, dance, and music, as well as the opportunity to learn basic words and phrases in different languages. This will allow participants to connect, exchange customs and traditions, and celebrate cultural diversity.

Additionally, the program will develop a Cultural Inclusion Handbook, compiling best practices, experiences, and recommendations for the social integration of migrant women. This resource will contribute to fostering intercultural understanding and inclusive community-building.

The project will conclude with a Multicultural Mini Festival, bringing together participants to celebrate diversity and showcase the richness of cultural exchange.