VESTA® Family Empowerment and Reconnection Network: this is a pilot project of early intervention in the Province of Nicosia which provides psychosocial and therapeutic intervention to families and children who have been selected due to their dynamics by the Social Welfare Services.
More specifically, the project is addressed to:
a) families whose children are in the care of the Director of Social Welfare Services
b) high-risk families with regard to the movement of their children by special name
1. Strengthening family ties
2. Development of communication skills
3. Elaboration of family relationships
4. Dealing with critical events in the family
5. Interface with services and agencies.
The pilot program is implemented by the Department of Social Work at Frederick University in collaboration with the Family Support Counseling Center with the approval and funding of the Cyprus Addiction Treatment Authority.
Project duration October 2017 – December 2021